Ladies, These Are The Best Kept Secrets For Good Feminine Hygiene!
What we have to tell you is that the smell of your vagina should never be a punch line for a horrible joke but most women in the world have to deal with the vaginal odor at least a few times in their whole lifetime. It is true that every woman has a different scent and might be affected by many factors, which include infection, menstruation and sexual activity. Healthy and normal vagina should not have any odor at all and these are the things that you need to make sure you smell fresh and stay clean down there. Washing and showering tips: Depending on your routine you have every day, you might need to shower daily, especially if you notice a smelly vagina After a working out session, please make sure that you shower so you remove the sweat of your whole body including the vagina. Do not try to mask the smell by using fragrant soap, and if possible use only natural soaps because most of the soaps that people use nowadays contain chemicals that can upset the natural balance of the ...