
Ladies, These Are The Best Kept Secrets For Good Feminine Hygiene!

 What we have to tell you is that the smell of your vagina should never be a punch line for a horrible joke but most women in the world have to deal with the vaginal odor at least a few times in their whole lifetime. It is true that every woman has a different scent and might be affected by many factors, which include infection, menstruation and sexual activity. Healthy and normal vagina should not have any odor at all and these are the things that you need to make sure you smell fresh and stay clean down there. Washing and showering tips: Depending on your routine you have every day, you might need to shower daily, especially if you notice a smelly vagina After a working out session, please make sure that you shower so you remove the sweat of your whole body including the vagina. Do not try to mask the smell by using fragrant soap, and if possible use only natural soaps because most of the soaps that people use nowadays contain chemicals that can upset the natural balance of the ...

This Is What The Shape Of Your Butt Says About Your Health!

 The size and shape of one’s buttocks can reveal a lot of things about health. Only its size can show the general health condition of a person. Generally, people tend to believe that fat storage is bad for the health, but this might not be always true. They come in all sizes and different shapes, and some people decided to get a little philosophical and they came to the conclusion that your butt shape is related to your overall health. If you are not sure about what your butt shape just takes a look at the mirror and have a good look. A person’s overall distribution of body fat is often a good indicator of health, but fat is not distributed equally. If you have some extra fat in your butt it can be a sign of good health. That’s because it keeps the fatty acids away from vital organs such as the heart and liver and also the arteries. But this isn’t the same for both sexes. For men having a bigger butt doesn’t necessarily mean you are healthier. It’s just that women are genetically ...

Put Garlic Under Your Pillow and This Will Happen to You

 Garlic is one of the most widely-used flavorings for food, and has a host of other applications as well, from warding off insects to providing protection against vampires. Of course, you won’t really be running into any vampires (don’t tell your tweens), but you can still benefit very much from incorporating garlic into your daily routine. One of the most surprising uses for garlic is as a sleep aid. But before we get to why it works, let’s look at the overall health benefits of garlic. It is actually relatively high in calories, with 100 per 100 grams. However, garlic is so strong in flavor that no one ever eats that much in a serving. Garlic features complex carbohydrates and proteins, plus vital minerals and vitamins like vitamin B, sodium, potassium, and magnesium. It also contains quite a bit of allicin, a sulfur compound that gives garlic its notable smell. This is why garlic is so good for treating infections and can kill certain viruses better than antibiotics. Furthermor...


 Some women seem to have a hard time telling people exactly what they want, even though it is completely natural. Here’re 10 hot things women love in bed. For some reason, some women find it difficult to tell a guy exactly what they are looking for during sex. Maybe it’s because they’re nervous about what he’s going to say or afraid to make him feel like he’s not doing a good job. I don’t know. But one thing is for sure, there are times where we would find ourselves enjoying the sex more if we made sure to get what we want out of it. Here are some things women love in bed, but are too afraid to ask you to do. 1. Foreplay Close up portrait of an attractive young couple in bedroom Don’t underestimate the power of foreplay. Us women, while we don’t have to get hard for sex to happen, do have to have a certain amount of foreplay to make sure we are turned on enough to have sex. If you need more foreplay or even just enjoy it, don’t be afraid to tell your man that! The more turned on y...

Here Are 5 Things I Learned From Throwing My Legs Up A Wall Every Day !!!

  This is an article for easy workout at home. You are going to see that throwing the legs in he air everyday is something which can bring you satisfaction and benefits. I still can’t believe how can such an easy exercise to bring you so much good. The original name of this exercise is called ‘viparita karani’ , which signifies rearranged in real life. The main reason why this exercise exists is to invert all the activities which we are making throughout the day. That is sitting, standing, running, making different shapes from out body. All the negative things which we are making to our body, this exercise will make them right. 5 bеnеfits yоu will gеt frоm dоing this mini еxеrcisе tо yоur bоdy: Thеy put thеir lеgs up thе wаll sо thе bаck cаn bе оn thе grоund аnd rеst. This hеlps yоur cоrd tо rеst, thе spinаl is аttаchеd tо thе flооr, sо yоu’vе bаsicаlly pоsitiоnеd аt 90оаnd yоur bаck is cоmplеtеly strаight. It hеlps with thе оvеrаll circulаtiоn аnd blооd flоw in yоur bоdy. This wi...

Do You Have a Lump on Your Neck,Back,or Behind Your Ear This Is What It Means !!

 Lumps in most of the cases are harmless, and without some serious consequences. They can appear in case of some kind of inflammation where you supposed to take an antibiotic. There are numerous reasons for showing lumps, knots and nodules all around your body. Those who suffered from acne know best how to diagnose lump. But if you are not in this group of people, consult with your doctor. It is not only by touching the zone from the back side of our apparatus for hearing. If you have some skin that sticks out, and that feels very soft, then that probably is lipoma or fatty lump. Furthermore, if it is tender, but it hurts, it probably is a pimple. And at the end it is causing you a problem like fever and something more serious, than it is an infection or inflammation. In addition to this post we are going to present you the possible reasons for showing up a lump in the zone behind the ears. 1. Inflammation Bacteria and viral inflammation are the basic things that lead to swollen b...

11 Things Happy Couples Do Before They Go to Sleep

 It’s very important to spend some time with your partner before you go to sleep. It doesn’t matter how much time you have to spend together – an hour or just a few minutes. If it’s just the 2 of you enjoying each other, talking, and showing your love, that is all you need. Bright Side made a list of some simple but very effective pieces of advice from psychologists. We also prepared a special bonus for you at the end. 1. Switch your phones to silent mode, and put them away. Social media dependency suppresses the release of oxytocin in your body. This hormone is responsible for emotional intimacy and bonding. Psychotherapist Carol Carey advises following a simple rule: turn off your phones, or put them away at 9 p.m. on the dot. 2. Forget about work. Try to forget about work, and stop checking your work email when you are in bed. It’s so much better to spend that time together and to have some rest so you can be productive at work tomorrow. Pillow talk connects couples emotionally...